Tuesday, June 10, 2008

"Uh, no, Dad."

I've always thought that the most disturbing aspect of the final sequence of "Teen Wolf" was the guy who frantically zips up his pants after watching Michael J. Fox sink the winning free throws (1:47 mark, upper left corner, dude in red sweater).

Turns out I was wrong.

Check out the embrace that occurs between Scott Howard and his dad as Red Sweater examines his zipper.


kevin said...

thank you dan for alerting me to this scene. turns out there is a whole cottage industry devoted to this red-sweater man (google teen wolf zip pants), but surprisingly none devoted to that ridiculous hug. hug? can you even call it that? hump?

Sarah said...

Whoa. I always thought the most disturbing part was the name "Boof" but this is on a whole new level.