Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Mr. Sparkle Approves

David Sedaris made an appearance on The Daily Show last night to promote his new book, which is awesomely entitled "When You Are Engulfed in Flames." Sedaris claims that the book's title was inspired by a booklet he came across while staying in a Hiroshima hotel. The booklet was (even more awesomely) entitled "Best Knowledge of Disaster Damage Prevention and Favors to Ask of You." As if that title wasn't enough, the booklet contained the following chapters:

1) When You Check In a Hotel
2) When You Find a Fire
3) When You Are Engulfed in Flames

How hysterical is that? I am so buying that book.

And now, for your viewing pleasure (click play and then pause):


1 comment:

Jay Nicolosi said...

Love Sedaris. Looking forward to his new book. I didn't catch him on the Daily Show. I was watching the Cubs lose their first game in a LOOOOOOOONG time.